A large portion of the American population is mildly but chronically dehydrated (Journal of American Dietetic Assn., 1999). Could that be the reason for the proliferation of commercials selling prescription drugs for everything from asthma to fibromyalgia? How about those side effects that are ten times worse than the original complaint? There's something wrong with this picture.
Water is your life source, your friend! Did you know that sugar, alchohol and caffeine are "water stealers"? It may be our favorite food group, but we MUST compensate with plenty of pure water.
The proverbial eight glasses a day has been updated to this formula: half your body weight in ounces per day. I am 130 pounds, and I drink about 65 ounces (two quarts) but some of that is in the raw fruit and vegetables that I crave. Our bodies are 70% water, so it makes sense to keep the system watered.
Check it out: Do your own research to see how many ailments are caused by dehydration. Then you can change from pill-popper to water drinker!
NEXT: How to get the most out of the water you drink.
Hydration is something for both body and soul. We hydrate the body with water; we hydrate the soul with prayer. The word of God, called "rivers of living water", hydrates the soul and spirit, bringing new life to your health, your thoughts, relationships. Praying is like slacking your physical thirst!