Monday, November 11, 2013

Water and Aging

In reading "Hexagonal Water - The Ultimate Solution" by M.J. Pangman, M.S., I find that aging is linked to dehydration.  Dr. Mu Shik Jhon is quoted as saying "Aging is a loss of hexagonal water from organs, tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water. Replenishing the hexagonal water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process and prevent disease."  (M.S. Jhon, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, Uplifting Press, 2004).

Newborn infants are 90% water by weight; within one year it drops to 70%.  It is not uncommon for the elderly to be less than 50% water.  No wonder they shrink in size!

In my speeches about water and drinking lots of it, I like to mention that yes, there is a side effect to drinking the equivalent of half your body weight in ounces: many trips to the bathroom.  But I ask, "Would you rather go there or to the doctor?  Would you rather have that side effect or the array of side effects that come with Zocor, Symbicort or Flexeril?  Listen carefully to those commercials.  You'll be glad for such a simple remedy as good ol' H2O.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Structured Water is Vitally Important

But How Does One Get It?

There are two ways to have a supply of hexagonal (structured) water in your home.  One is the approx. $4,200 Kangen water system, which has many features, hooks up to your kitchen faucet and sits on your kitchen counter.

The other way, which I have used happily for five years is an appliance called the Vitilizer Plus.  It looks like a large blender, sits on the counter and does not require hook up.  The only requirement is that you use purified water. 

Not only is this more affordable (MSRP: $480), but the water tastes sweeter because it uses a mineral cube which houses Japanese coral to alkalize the water, as opposed to titanium plates which are used in the Kangen system.   It also uses vortex energy (via whirlpool action) to create oxygen in the water, mimicking a free-flowing river.  This action also restructures the molecules into their original hexagonal shape, as found in natural water sources. 

Hexagonal water is the only kind that can enter the body's cells, where it does amazing work flushing out impurities and greatly increasing intracellular communication, both of which slow the aging process. 

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, the pioneering scientist, is quoted as saying "Aging is a loss of hexagonal water from organs, tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water. Replenishing the hexagonal water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process and prevent disease." (M.S. Jhon, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, Uplifting Press, 2004).

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Benefits of Hexagonal Water

I share this information based on the water system Vitilizer Plus, and originating from the author M.A. Pangan.  Also known as "structured water," hexagonal water (named after its molecular structure) has six apparent functions:

1. Hydrates the cells - Due to the penetration power of the smaller water molecules, hexagonal water is able to quickly move into the cellular environment of the body, hydrating tissues and enhancing cellular functions. Many notice almost immediate energy.

2. Helps transport nutrients to the cells - Hexagonal water is the water of choice for all biological organisms. Its structure interfaces with the cellular components of our bodies and allows quick absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients into the cells. Many have noted better assimilation of their supplements.

3. Enhances waste removal from cells - Water is also the carrier of wastes from our bodies. The efficiency of Hexagonal Water is often noticed within days by cleansing the body of long-held toxins and metabolic wastes.

4. Supports the immune system - Research has identified the critical role water plays in support of the immune system. Hexagonal water has been found surrounding healthy DNA and other healthy proteins in the body. Other water structures have been found in conjunction with diseased tissues. Many who drink Vitalized water notice an improvement in their general health.

5. Improves cellular communication - When we are born, the water in our bodies is almost 100% hexagonally structured. This crystalline, hexagonal, water network supports efficient, almost instantaneous cellular communication which has been referred to in quantum physics as cellular coherence.

6. Increases metabolic efficiency - Water is involved in every process in the body. Hexagonal water has been shown to activate enzymes and enhance many other metabolic functions. Increased energy is a common result. The unique hexagonal structure created by the magnetic, far infra-red frequencies, vortexing and mineral ions, helps to support greater energy and the reactivation of weakened bodily functions.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hexagonal Water

After two years of buying the best purified water dispensed in a water store (at EcoLife, Sherman Oaks), I finally decided to get one of those Vitilizer Plus advanced water systems.  This blender-like appliance sits on the store counter so that people can sample structured water. Customers who own this device marvel about its long term effects on the body.  I've had mine for nine months now and I'm spoiled!  The water tastes sweet!  It's fun to watch the vortex (whirlpool) action of the water as it's being mineralized by mineral cubes.  The water becomes oxygenated, alkaline, and hexagonally structured.

The first thing I noticed was the energy from the oxygen, then I noticed a release of stored emotions (proving how cellular water transmits information!)  I've seen increase in metabolism and a slight weight loss (I was somewhat above my ideal weight).  Every system is functioning at optimal level, although I was hoping to see a bullet-proof immune system.  I sleep better and have 90% improvement in my chronic low back ache.

When I  bought my Vitilizer Plus at EcoLife, I received 100 free gallons of their reverse osmosis water, and according to a city inspector, this is the purest water dispensed in L.A.  They also dispense "coral" water, which is alkalized from high grade Japanese coral filters.  The owner, Chris Bates, is extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of water and health.  I've learned so much from him!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Benefits of Drinking Plenty of Water

If you've read my previous articles, you may be somewhat convinced of the crucial role of water in well-being and slowing the aging process.

I now bring an expert's input on this subject.  In his book "Water for Health, For Healing, For Life", F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. points out the following benefits of drinking adequate amounts of water:

  • Water as a main lubricant for joint spaces will help prevent arthritis and back pain.
  • Water increases the efficiency of the immune system to prevent illness.
  • Water prevents clogging of arteries in the heart and brain, to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Water is directly connected to brain function: it can prevent attention deficit disorder, improving our attention span.
  • Water helps prevent memory loss as we age, reducing the risk of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease and Lou Gehrig's Disease.

The list goes on.  Please do yourself a huge favor and research the role of water in the human body.  You will be flooded with hope for health.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Water and Aging

As I read about aging in "Hexagonal Water - The Ultimate Solution" by M.S. Pangman, M.S., I see the link between the aging process and dehydration.  A newborn baby is 90% water; after the first year, the baby's body weight in water is 70%.  It is common for the elderly to be less than 50% water.  No wonder they shrink so much!

During his 40 years of research, the renowned scientist Dr. Mu Shik Jhon established the concept of structured water, which came to be known as "hexagonal water". 

"Replenishing the hexagonal water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process, and prevent disease."  (M.S. Jhon, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key. Uplifting Press, 2004).

When I give speeches about water, I mention the one side effect of drinking the equivalent of one's body weight in ounces.  Obviously, that would be more trips to the bathroom.  Would you rather go there or to the doctor?  The doctor will prescribe something that has an array of side effects, including shortness of breath, constipation, nausea, dizziness, etc.   Now, what was that original complaint again?

In my next blog, I will tell about my experience with the Vitilizer Plus, an appliance resembling a blender, that structures purified water.  Stay tuned, stay hydrated!
